Assignment 1
Practice Example with Vue.js
Due Saturday September 16 before 11:30pm


For this project, you will develop a simple demo app that demonstrates core Vue.js concepts.


Using an interactive concept/idea of your choosing (e.g. productivity list, log entry, specialized calculator), create an interactive web page using Vue.js. Your page should have the properties:

  • Separate files for HTML and JS/Vue-based data object(s).
  • Demonstration of double-binding
  • User input controls
  • Dynamic display using the mustache brackets (double curly braces)
  • Use of a v- tag that is not presented in class

Write a summary document that describes your page and how the requirements are met. Have your web page link to this document.

Post your pages online on a host of your choosing (let me know if you need help with this). Submit the URL as a comment on D2L (you may need to submit a dummy document in order to add the comment).


This project is worth 20 points and will be reviewed using the following criteria:

  • Completeness. The pages address all requirements.
  • Functionality. The code works as intended without errors.
  • Originality. The pages have original work, ideally based on an original concept.
  • Ease of review. Required elements are easy to find and review. The summary statement is easy to read.